domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Explaining the Model

Fecha: martes 2 de febrero de 2010 18H36' PST

In the process for e-learning we have four approaches: the first one, Lerner centered, focuses in the student’s the prior knowledge –including conceptions, misconception and a prerequisite knowledge-; knowledge centered, gives the student the opportunity of developing critical thinking; Assessment centered and community centered. All of this approaches are included, one way or another, in two major modes of learning the collaborative, community-of-inquiry models, and community-of-learning models. In which we have to include the two major human factors: the teacher and the learner –and implicitly their interaction with themselves and the content, which can be synchronous and asynchronous, but still there has to be continuous sessions for the knowledge to happen –if a community model is chosen it also can allow certain form of sociability process not existing in the independent study. The key factor in the process of development is to take into account that the nature of the course is that it is prescribed and that continuously has to be revised for experts and still has to be cared for the excess of homogenization and tough beforehand solutions to allow any student to develop common interests among each other and strengthen and create new knowledge through collective wisdom.

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