domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Electronic pages

In personal experiance, i had only used two site, on three different ocassions: nicenet and blackboard. nicenet is easier to use, but blackboard is amore complete site. but in reality, i consider, that the eficiency of the curse does not lay in the site perse, but on the teacher/instructor's performace; for example, I had a curse in which we used blackboard and was a complete disaster not because we couldn´t use the site but because there was no interaction with the teacher, the only instruction we received wa to go and post our opinion on the foro -which wasn't divided not even for units- and never reveid any form of feedback and there wasnot any other type of activity we had to do only readings and post our opinion on the foro.
but so far i could see an electronic page has to have, if the purpose is to distane learning, basically: a foro, a mail, a space for documents and reading, a baletin section and the purpose of the course, activities plan and sistem evalietion

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