domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


The Seven Golden Rules of E-Communication

a) Never copy on an e-mail without asking and receiving permission from the originator of the message.

b) Be careful with titles. Choose a short effective title for your message.

c) When replying to someone´s message, use the same title if the topic remains the same, otherwise start a new thread with a new title.

d) Keep to one topic per message with a relevant title. It´s best to send several short messages with different titles than one long one covering many subjects.

e) If you reply to just one part of someone´s message, copy and paste their words into the start of your message, so it´s clear which section you refer to.

f) Ensure that you place new messages in the appropriate conference

g) Keep all messages short – never more than one screen. If you have something longer to say, attach it as a document.




Subject: lesson plan

Date: 20/03 /04

Hi Julia,

Sorry but I don´t agree with your idea about making students take an English

test to be able to register for an online course. I think motivation is more

important than your level of English. You make mistakes in your messages

but you are benefiting from the course, aren´t you? Communication is more

important than accuracy.

Another thing, Rudi and Carmen – did you do the reading e-tivity for unit 2

yet? Can we compare answers?


Daniel R.

1. Sorry but I don´t agree with your idea ... i consider his approach was too rude-al least in a written form- he should have said something like: I disagree.
2. instead of: "You make mistakes in your messages

but you are benefiting from the course" he should have written something like although you make mistakes, you are bene fitting from the courrse.
3. he changes the topic abruptly.


29 March

From: Aurora H.


I think your right. If you want to that´s what you should do. Someone else

said last week “ I felt quite threatened when one participant from this group

disagreed with me.” So I´m agree! Anyway, you know they say that when

God created man She was only joking!!:)


1. " I think your right. If you want to that´s what you should do" it does not seem it has anything to with anything the letter from before had written
2. Changes abruptly the topic
3. She does not go deep enough to understand the topic.

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