domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Concepts of Distance Education

mu concepts:

"La educación superior abierta y a distancia significa algo más que trascender los muros del aula y la automatización de procesos académicos y administrativos. Implica una propuesta educativa flexible y un modelo pertinente y de calidad para hacer posible, con el apoyo de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC), un aprendizaje independiente y colaborativo."
Secretaria de Educación Pública, Extraido de:
al 28 de febreo de 2010, última actualización: enero de 2010

"Determining the nature and purpose of distance education—and defining its appropriate role—can be difficult because it requires that institutions locate themselves in the midst of multiple issues: technological advances, pedagogical change, business model change, organizational adaptability, knowledge management, and increased access to education. Some assert that distance education represents a strategic "inflection point" for higher education, signaling the fundamental transformation of education as we know it.

If we are clear about the problem we are trying to solve and whom we wish to serve with distance education, we will be able to make better decisions regarding it. Distance education is fundamentally an education issue. Viewed in this light, it offers students and faculty an alternative to our still-rich residential tradition, one which need not threaten the current tradition but can work alongside it to broaden the number and types of people with access to an education, and thus help to serve us all."
Diana G. Oblinger "The Nature and Purpose of Distance Education" The Technology Source, March/April 2000. Available online at
at February 28th, 2010

Teaster and Blieszner (1999) say “the term distance learning has been applied to many instructional methods: however, its primary distinction is that the teacher and the learner are separate in space and possibly time” (pg. 741)
Doug Valentine In Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume V, NumberIII, Fall 2002
State University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center
at February 28th, 2010

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